It helps in curing long term constipation and indigestion is the real culprit in developing piles and anal fissure.Erandbhrisht Haritaki Churna is quite popular for its bowel cleansing effect. It keeps motion soft and loose thus facilitates easy, strain free bowel evacuation and allows natural healing in erosive condition of intestinal wall. Hence it is very common prescription for the patient of piles and anal fissure.Haritaki Churna is made from haritaki which is a clinically proven, time-tested remedy for all digestion-related problems. It aids digestion by increasing digestive enzymes, suppresses hyper acidity, improves absorption of nutrients, prevents constipation and piles. It also detoxifies your system from toxins. Haritaki has been taken from time immemorial for its holistic healing properties.* Constipation* Indigestion* Piles* Anal fissure Haritaki