Excessive sugar levels in the circulating are detrimental to all the vital organs. It s to widespread and increased oxidative in the body. Prameha is the Ayurvedic ailment that brings about high and associated signs and symptoms like excess thirst hunger and perspiration. The management of high entails improved circulation oxygenation and cleansing of the circulatory body ids. Nishakathakadi kashayam is a combination of 8 drugs that balance the kapha and pitta elements in the body. Cooling and invigorating combination of Haridra (Curcuma longa) Amla (Embilica officinalis) Kathaka beeja (Strychnos potatorum) Paranti (Ixora coccinia) Lodhra (Symplocos racemosa) Bhadra (Aerva lanata) Ekanayaka (Salacia reticulata) and Useera (Vetiveria zizanoides).