Daruharidra also called as Indian barberry or Tree turmeric has immense benefits for skin and controlling sugar levels. It possesses antimicrobial, antioxidant, anti tumor and anti inflammatory properties.Botanical name: Berberis aristataFamily: BerberidaceaeRasa: Tikta, KashayaGuna: Laghu, RukshaVeerya: UshnaVipaka: KatuBalances Kapha and Pitta dosha.Agatsya Daruharidra Churna benefits:· Accelerates quick wound healing· Treats a wide variety of skin disorders such as Acne, Herpes, Pruritis, Urticaria· Relieves pain, itching and infections in eyes, ears and oral cavity· Relieves spasmodic abdominal pain and diarrhoea· Useful in Diabetes and Urinary tract disorders, Haemorrhoids· Useful in Menorrhagia and Leucorrhea
Agatsya Aushadh Private Limited
Agatsya Aushadh Private Limited