Lodhra is considered as a divine herb since time immemorial. In Sanskrit, it means that which makes the body firmer and stronger. Being a uterine tonic, it is a boon in gynaecological disorders.Botanical name: Symplocos racemosa RoxbFamily: SymplocaceaeThe dried stem bark is used to make powder.Rasa: Kashaya, TiktaGuna: Laghu, RukshaVeerya: SheetaVipaka: KatuBalances Kapha and Pitta dosha.Agatsya Lodhra Churna benefits:· Used in the management of leucorrhea, Menohrragia, dysmenohhrea and various gynaecological diseases· Stimulates appetite and aids digestion· Treats bleeding disorders and wounds· Promotes respiratory health· Good for skin· Prevents nausea and vomiting· Regulates blood sugar levels· Treats inflammatory conditions of liver· A nutritive and strenghtening agent· Treats infertility· An aphrodisiac· Treats Urinary tract disorders
Agatsya Aushadh Private Limited
Agatsya Aushadh Private Limited