Rasna is an anti-aging herb and eliminates excess Vata Dosha in the body, supports joint and musculoskeletal system.Hence it is denoted as one of the best herb to pacify Vata . Rasna has a pungent quality that helps in resolving inflammation.Botanical name: Pluchea lanceolataFamily: AsteraceaeUseful part: RhizomeRasa: TiktaGuna: GuruVeerya: UshnaVipaka: KatuBalances Kapha and Vata doshaAgatsya Rasna Churna benefits:· An efficient digestive· Useful in Rheumatoid arthritis, Gout, Vata Vikaras· Treats inflammation,"· Relieves Fever, Cough, Bronchial Asthma· Treats abdominal distention· Treats toxic conditions.
Agatsya Aushadh Private Limited
Agatsya Aushadh Private Limited