Sonamukhi or Senna is a natural laxative, helps in maintaining a healthy bowel movement which promotes bowel cleansing. Senna promotes the intestinal movements and ensures complete bowel evacuation. It is also an eminent blood purifier.Botanical name: Cassia angustifoliaFamily: CaesalpiniaceaeUseful part: LeavesRasa: Katu, Tikta, MadhuraGuna: LaghuVeerya: UshnaVipaka: KatuBalances vitiated Pitta and Vata dosha.Agatsy Sonamukhi Churna benefits:· A laxative· Treats cough· Used in the management of enlarged abdomen.· Detoxification and purification therapies
Agatsya Aushadh Private Limited
Agatsya Aushadh Private Limited