Acharya Charaka has delineated Vidanga as the best among the Krimighna dravya ie herbs that destructs the worms. It also acts as an Anti oxidant , Blood purifier and Rejuvenator.It is called as False black pepper as its external appearance mimics pepper.Botanical name: Embelia ribes Burm. F.Family: MyrsinaceaePart used: FruitRasa: Katu,KashayaGuna: Laghu, Ruksha, TiksnaVeerya: UshnaVipaka: KatuBalances Kapha and Vata doshas.Agatsya Vidanga Churna benefits:· Is the best herb to treat worm infestation ; bacterial,fungal infestation· Treats impaired digestion· Useful in skin disorders· Useful in the management of Diabetes, Urinary disorders· Improves appetite,relieves abdominal pain and bloating,distension· Relieves Constipation.
Agatsya Aushadh Private Limited
Agatsya Aushadh Private Limited