Neem gum is a by the product obtained as a result of the certain metabolic mechanism of plants and trees. The neem bark due to some internal activity discharges a clear bright and brown-colored gum. The gum is a multipurpose by-product. The natural gum obtained from plants are either water-soluble or absorb water to form a viscous solution. Neem has been commercially tapped for using its gum which is of use in a large number of industries. It is being grown on a large scale basis for using all its parts no wonder it is called a 'universal tree' having a cure for almost everything. It has been used traditionally as an adhesive for paintings. Neem bark powder is a natural antimicrobial remedy that provides natural teeth whitening and helps freshen your breath. In addition neem bark powder helps to counter bacteria that may cause cavities inflammation and gum problem.
Certified Organic Suitable for Diabetics Alcohol Free
Ingredient Type: