Gond Mochras Sevengrains is a deciduous tree attaining a height of up to 40 m and a girth of up to 6 m or more and distributed throughout the hotter parts of the country. This species is native to Pakistan and India and globally distributed from Indo-Malesia to Australia. Within India, it is widely distributed throughout, including the Andamans, up to an altitude of 1500 m. Bark 0.5-1 cm thick, pale-ashy to silvery-grey externally, brownish internally, external surface rough with vertical and transverse cracks, mucilaginous on chewing; fracture, fibrous. Exudates of stem traded in name of Mochras.Gond Mochras have astringent properties and are also good for diarrhea and dysentery. Gond Mochrasc is a very well-known remedy for female problems including irregular periods. It works wonders to ease the pain of piles. It is also a good blood purifier. Gond Mochras is generally used in Ayurveda.