JIVAN SHREE Black seed Cold Pressed Oil Capsule is a natural health supplement. It helps in supporting our respiratory and immune system. It is a very powerful antioxidant and helps in improving our digestion. It provides effective protection against allergies and possesses anti-inflammatory properties. It helps in protecting the liver and promotes weight loss. It is an Ayurvedic product and is safe for consumption. Black Seeds also known as Nigella Sativa is a natural remedy for many health problems. They have been called as the remedy for EVERYTHING EXCEPT DEATH. They are the rich source of calcium iron sodium potassium dietary fiber vitamins amino acids fatty acids and so on. When consumed black seed oil has been shown to have multiple health benefits and may aid in the following conditions: Inflammation Asthma High Cholesterol Metabolic Syndrome Autoimmune Disorders Diabetes Black seed oil can also be applied topically. Small scale studies have demonstrated positive effects for eczema psoriasis and acne Black seed is a good source of: Calcium Iron Zinc Copper Thiamin Niacin Phosphorous Folic Acid The medicinal benefits of black seed are mainly due to its main active compound called thymoquinone which has shown antioxidant anti-inflammatory and other therapeutic properties that protect the body from cell damage and chronic diseases.