Product is in good shape and the quadripoid provides more strength to the stick and is very durable, sturdy and comes with multiple height adjustments.I recommend the stick to be more thicker however the current thickness is also acceptable and durable.
awesome and sturdy product with adjustment
Delivered on 14.08.2017. Happy with the item recd. so early than expected. Pack opened and tried for a walk. Feeling little stressed and uncomfortable while walking. while inspecting so closely the unit, i observed the bottom fixed shaft as little bend, which is giving stress on wrist while walking.I observed it after using it for 2 days. So naturally the product appearance became as old now. so i cannot return it back. but anyhow will try to remove bending with myself from any of the locally available fabricator's o.k.
Happy with Silkrute, little depressed with the supplier
I have ordered the walking stick and it is shaking. I bought this product from skyhigh Solutions please let me know if any replacement is avalaible for the same.