INDICATIONS Albuminuria, proteinuria, nephrosis, chronic nephritis, nephrosclerosis.MODE OF ACTION OF MAIN INGREDIENTS: The various ingredients of this combination cover those symptoms characteristically found in the late stages of inflammation within the urogenital tract.Helonias dioica: Exhaustion, backache, pressure and drawing pains in the kidney area.Kalium arsenicosum: Chronic nephritis with oedema; heart pathology.Phosphorus: Weakness, parenchymal degeneration, analysis of urine shows protein and blood and cylindrical casts. Chronic nephritis, almost specific as a kidney remedy.Plumbum metallicum: Reduced quantity of urine, proteinuria with hypotrophy of kidney. DOSAGE - 10-15 drops in water three times daily before meals. In the initial phase of therapy repeat more frequently
Directions For Use::
Use as directed on the label or as advised by the physician.
Storage Information:
Store in a cool and dry place away from direct sunlight
Do not exceed the recommended dosage and Keep out of reach of children