SBL Sanguinaria Canadensis 1M (1000 CH) (30ml) Headache Tonsillitis Hot Flushes Dry cough Nasal Polyp Corn SBL Sanguinaria Canadensis (Dilution) Tincture of fresh root. (The resin leaves seeds seed-vessels powdered root and expressed juice have also been used.) Common Name: Blood-root. Puccoon Causes & Symptoms for SBL Sanguinaria Canadensis Complaints that occur after taking wine Headache from stomach disturbances overeating rich food during menopause are relieved with Sanguinaria Canadensis. Burning in various parts redness of cheeks with flashes of heat is characteristic of Sanguinaria Canadensis. Violent dry cough wheezing whistling metallic sputa almost impossible to raise is seen in this medicine. Offensiveness and acridity characterize the discharges of Sanguinaria. Eruption on the face of young women especially during scanty menses. Pain in places where the bones are the least covered after exposure to cold. Corns that burn; the toes burn and the patient puts the feet out of bed for relief. Mind and head Irritability with confused state of mind better by eructation indicates Pain that begins in occiput and spreads over the head settles over the right eye with nausea and vomiting indicates Sanguinaria Headache comes once in seven days; it begins in the morning on waking or wakes the patient up aggravated by light Going without food causes headache. The headaches are relieved from passing flatus up or down hot palms and soles during headache is characteristic of Sanguinaria Eyes ear Nose Burning and watering of right eye with Pain in eyeballs on moving them indicates Sanguinaria. Burning of ears with redness of cheeks Earache with headache with singing in ears and vertigo. Increased redness of external ear with humming and roaring in ears Sensitive to flowers and odors frequent sneezing Nasal polyps Heat in nose coryza rawness in throat. Mouth and Throat Twitching of cheeks toward eyes. Pain in carious t